
Lab Report 4


  1. Log into ieng6
  2. Clone your fork of the repository from your Github account (using the SSH URL)
  3. Run the tests, demonstrating that they fail
  4. Edit the code file to fix the failing test
  5. Run the tests, demonstrating that they now succeed
  6. Commit and push the resulting change to your Github account (you can pick any commit message!)

Step 4

Step 4 ScreenShot

Keys pressed:



The commend is never run in the terminal, which we need to type out the entire command includign the host that we’re connecting to. The ssh key is already set up, so no password required.

Step 5

Step 5 ScreenShot

Keys pressed:

<click-button(<> Code)>


First go to webiste and copy the link by clicking the copy button in the website that copy the ssh link of the repository. Then go back to terminal type out the git clone commmand and use right click to paste the link that we copy from the website https://github.com/jasper-hyj/lab7

Step 6

Step 6 ScreenShot

Key pressed:



First use cd command to go in the directory we just clone. Since only lab7 directory start with l, type l and then <tab> to auto-complete the directory name and press enter to execute. We then run the test.sh file by first type bash, and then type t and then <tab> to auto-complete the file name since only test.sh start with t.

Step 7

Step 7-1 ScreenShot

Key pressed:



First type vim command to open the vim editor for the .java file. Specify the file to open by first type L to specify the file name and tab to auto complete to ListExamples, then type . and tab to specify the file name to ListExamples.java instead of ListExamplesTests.java.

Step 7-1 ScreenShot

Key pressed:

:set number<enter>


First type :set number<enter> to make the vim editor to display the line number. Sednd, use 44gg to jump the cursor to line 44 since the code we want to fix is at line 44. After that, the e command move to the very end of the word index1, and change the mode to insert mode using i command. Then, we delete the number 1 with <delete> and type the number 2 in. Finally, we save the file by changing the mode to the normal mode by pressing esc, and save and quit the vim editor by typing :x<enter>.

Step 8

Step 8 ScreenShot

Key pressed:



We use the bash command to run the test.sh bash script, which we first type bash<space>t and auto-complete the file name by typing <tab> and then <enter> to execute the command.

Step 9

Step 9 ScreenShot Key pressed:



First we type out git<space>add<space>.<add> to add all the files in the directory to git. Then, we type out git<space>commit<space>-m<space> follow with the commit message "fix<space>error" and <enter> to execute the command. Lastly, we type git<space>push<enter> to push the changes to the directory to github.